Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Komputasi awan (Cloud Computing)

Posted by Setiadyadi 18.09, under , | No comments

cloud computing
World of Internet communications networks where it's been penetrated everywhere. In proved by the increasing number of internet usage in their daily lives, both for working media ataupunhanya mere entertainment media.
The increase of consumption of the internet, the more it will trigger the development of the internet itself. So the vendors will continue to think HOW for facilities that they contributed to the main choice of Internet users. One of the influence it is in terms of accuracy (accuracy), connectifity (connectivity), speed (velocity) and quality (quality).
When this technology cloud computing (cloud computing) is being membuming in various countries. Cloud computing technology itself is a technology that is used by various companies or server for ease of connection and data services. Cloud computing allows a company to not only use their own servers, but they can socialize with other servers that also use this facility. So pertmintaan Internet users can be served quickly and more efficiently.
This technology is used by many large companies in order to achieve makasimal service. For example it is google and Microsoft.
google adalah pencetus sekaligus salah satu
pengguna sisitem cloud computing
We can imagine if google only use their servers to serve all google users in the world. Just imagine, Google has nearly accommodate thousands bahakan millions of servers - cheap servers, not to mention the other amenities. So kumputasi cloud technology will be very useful for large companies such peruahaan.

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